Several times I have stood and talked with friends at bus stops. This is because politics is indeed important, especially among retired people. This is because, especially among retired people, politics is indeed the order of the day. But it is interesting that pensioners are always complaining because, in a way, they have it all. I think it is rather young people who don\’t have much money right now, and I don\’t think they will then have enough to pay their pensions. Besides, I don\’t understand why pensioners complain when they have everything. How many times have I tried to answer that question? But I guess I will never find the answer.
Because it is really very interesting that pensioners are always complaining about politics when mom and kids go out and have no money to eat. I don\’t think the current pensioners should complain at all. But what about the young people? How many times have we wondered if we might not even get a pension, or if we might not get an increase, or if we might not get a pension, or what will happen to us when we get older? Of course, everyone wants to be wealthy. Because we want to live a life of dignity. But I fear that nothing will change. 25]
At the very least, it\’s absolutely getting much worse every day, and I\’m sure I\’m terrified of a prolonged retirement, and who knows if I\’ll even get there. This is a really difficult and sad subject. Because it is really very scary to answer those questions over and over again. I think we have to stay calm and think about other things. So let\’s try not to be upset sometimes and avoid such things and not think about them.