Highly Suspicious strikes

We have not seen or heard of unions for a long time. Sometimes union bosses let themselves in, or something was said about the need to protest, but the act got away. The union has finally arrived. Finally, unionists found someone they could arouse. For very good sounding reasons.

The government decided to raise funds for education. And soon, it began to sound like it affected the quality of education and it hurt our children. In addition, of course, the logical emphasis was placed on how teachers\’ assistants and school management employees, perhaps starting teachers, earn.

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And I got goosebumps. And tomorrow, Monday, we have a school strike. Or some school. Those who do not like the intended reduction of funds that the state does not want to give them, because they do not have it. Not only have some operations staff and assistants been affected by government strike measures, but many teachers have not been affected. No one wants the quality of our education to decline. This is about education and the future of our children. The government must give money for that.

And no one somehow loudly mentions the other side of the coin. The government simply does not have it. And to do so, our country will have to borrow even more than it already is. Because otherwise there is no place to take. And such debt will undermine the very future of our children, who they say are at stake. Because they will owe and repay even more than we have ever done to them.

Andrej Babiš

So whatever the outcome of this strike, it will make our children worse in the future than the current generation.

“osobný jsem proti této stávce,i kdyý se dotěká i mne samotného. A to proto,še vímjedno. From Aş to dopadne jakkoliv, from šeskéděti na to doplatí. A vítúz tu bude jenom jedinú. Ano Vjere Andrejem Babijem Kter ur určit ne nezapomene, nechá se slyšet, že座 njj bylo líp, že yo ty peníze sehnal. Jako traditionīnī na dluh. Jak to dúlal uú za svého vládnutí,búhem kterého nás dostal do dnečnísločité situace. Určitěbude prančovat dnečnívládu za to,co zavinil on sám. A co dnečnívláda masochistickyčečíčkrty v rozpoštu. U tupého českého národa získá dalších pár politických bodů,které se mu v příštích volbách určitě vyplatí. Aby mohlčeský národ zruinovat definitivný.
